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Model Boat Builder Gallery - Last additions

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HMS Hurworth 5786 viewsI finally got some good on-the-water pictures of "Hurworth". A small fast-moving model can be remarkably hard to photograph well. But she does certainly look the part.
(Model by John Davies, featured in “Marine Modelling”, November 2012)
2 Sep 2011
HMS Hurworth 1682 viewsThere isn't a 1/96th scale kit for a Type 2 Hunt, but we built one, extensively modifying the Deans Type 3 and using a good many of John Haynes' splendid fittings. The result is a detailed display model with a very satisfying performance on the water.
(Model by John Davies, featured in “Marine Modelling”, November 2012))
24 Aug 2011
HMS Hurworth 2694 viewsThere isn't a 1/96th scale kit for a Type 2 Hunt, but we built one, extensively modifying the Deans Type 3 and using a good many of John Haynes' splendid fittings. Here is a detail of the bridge.
(Model by John Davies, featured in “Marine Modelling”, November 2012)
24 Aug 2011
HMS Hurworth 3694 viewsThere isn't a 1/96th scale kit for a Type 2 Hunt, but we built one, extensively modifying the Deans Type 3 and using a good many of John Haynes' splendid fittings. Here is a midships detail picture, centred on the complex 2 pdr quad mounting.
(Model by John Davies, featured in “Marine Modelling”, November 2012)
24 Aug 2011
HMS Hurworth 4700 viewsThere isn't a 1/96th scale kit for a Type 2 Hunt, but we built one, extensively modifying the Deans Type 3 and using a good many of John Haynes' splendid fittings. Here she is on the water, raising a good wake and heeling to the turn, looking very much a destroyer at speed.
(Model by John Davies, featured in “Marine Modelling”, November 2012)
24 Aug 2011
US Coast Guard boat.932 viewsThis model came to us for refurbishment, as a box of rather battered bits. The brief was not to fully rebuild, but rather to reassemble, repaint and refurbish. This sort of job can be done at quite an economic cost. She looks smart in her new paint, and will go on to give pleasure for years to come.20 Jul 2011
Pond yacht restored971 viewsThis large pond yacht model, a family heirloom, came into my workshop in a pretty dreadful condition, with a nasty crackle-finish paint over much of the hull, (there was enough left to ascertain her original colour scheme, but it was in a horrible state) crude holes hacked in the decks over the mast step and rudder head, no hatch, no chain plates for the shrouds, no rudder and no keel (I cast a 35 lb lead keel for her and faired it in fore and aft), damage to the deck planking, especially over the counter, and no rigging parts whatsoever.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
26 Aug 2010
Pond yacht restored deck detail997 viewsI quite deliberately did not restore her to the best finish that would have been possible. She was a competent amateur built model, so that was the standard I endeavoured to reproduce. Her owners got her back in a condition very like she would have been when she was brand new, and yes, she can be sailed again.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
26 Aug 2010
HMS Victory (Restoration)1102 viewsThis family heirloom came to us with the fore topgallant mast and jib-boom badly shattered, plus a good deal of other rigging damage. After about a hundred hours very close work, she left our workshop looking like this. As much original material as possible was preserved and incorporated, and new material was carefully matched. It's quite hard to tell where the old ends and the new begins, which for a restoration is right and proper.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
20 Jul 2010
Juliana 1918 viewsThis is a nice heirloom model. It was built about 1985 by a father for his son. Recently it was brought to us for refurbishment. It cleaned up well, and although it does not carry all the scale detail of today’s best models, it still looks very good, and besides, think of all the precious memories it revives.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
26 Jan 2010
Juliana 2872 viewsOn a breezy day, she handles choppy water very competently.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
26 Jan 2010
Juliana 3874 viewsHere she is running in calmer water through the gathering dusk, making a very atmospheric picture with her navigation lights lit.
(Model by family builder, restored by John Davies)
26 Jan 2010
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