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Examples of models – various types. |

Coaster "John Masefield"1419 views"Dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smokestack, butting up the Channel in the mad March days...." If you don't know Masefield's "Cargoes", you should. This model came to us basically sound, but needing some tidying up, and a new mechanism fitting. We did this, then sold her on. Here she is, running trials. What can be nicer than a pretty scale model, on a fine sunny morning?
(Model by unknown builder, restored by John Davies)

Liberty ship910 views

Rainbow (J Class)685 viewsShe nearly failed to be selected as defender. Just as with the challenge of 1930, Vanderbilt faced stiff opposition from other American J boats. In this case, it was "Yankee" which posed the main danger. Always a fast boat in stiff breezes, she had been modified so as to retain all her speed in strong winds, while becoming much faster in light airs. She gave "Rainbow" a very hard time in the selection trials. To this day, partisans for "Yankee" claim she was robbed. In 1935, "Yankee" came over to British waters, the only American J boat to do so, and posed a stiff challenge to "Endeavour"s supremacy in her home waters. There is little doubt that she could have been as effective a defender as "Rainbow".

Clinker Punt.712 viewsAs you can see, this one went to be the punt on a magnificent large radio-controled sailing model of a Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter. However, she is a pretty little thing in her own right, and would make a nice display piece if you like traditional dinghies. She's not too expensive, either.
(model by Frank Hasted)

Lowestoft trawler.580 views

America735 viewsThe schooner "America" was built by a syndicate of new England yachtsmen as a business proposition, to collect some of the prize money available in yacht racing, and to win wagers. She succeeded handsomely. In 1851, she trounced the finest yachts sailing in British waters, in a race around the Isle of Wight. Queen Victoria was most ungracious about it. When told the American yacht had won, she grumped "very well, who is second?". She was not amused to be told "madam, there is no second".

Ranger. (J Class)615 viewsThis was fully exploited by a brilliant design team, which included the experience of Starling Burgess and the rising talent of the young Olin Stephens. The set of lines you see here resulted. Some considered them unconventional, even ugly. To my eye, they are extremely beautiful, and speak of speed.

HMS Graph1014 viewsHMS Graph began life as U-570. She was captured by the RN, taken into service, used for research, and carried out a few operational patrols, during which she carried out an attack on a sister ship, U-333.
The model came to me as a Robbe U-47, in reasonable condition. There was some light damage to the hydroplanes, and the decks were a bit scruffy, but the mechanism was really well built, which is important, as a submarine is one type of model you really do not want to suffer from mechanical or electrical failure. Over the months, I have tidied it up, and made a few improvements. For instance, Robbe’s original current-guzzling motors, which restrict the model in standard trim to a very short running time, have been replaced with low-drain units.
I have also been researching Graph’s appearance. The model will be fitted with a conning tower from Dreamworks, and other details will be altered to conform to Graph. She will be ready in 2008, tested, reliable, fully refurbished, complete with transmitter, just add water and go. If you wish to reserve her, get in touch now.