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Model Boat Builder Gallery - Last additions

Model Boat Builder Gallery

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HMS Solebay 1844 viewsThese are perhaps not the best of photographs, but they're well worth including, because it's such a fine, impressive, highly detailed model. The Battle Class destroyers were very handsome ships.
(Model by John Davies)
16 Jan 2010
HMS Solebay 2808 viewsThis example was modified from the Deans Marine kit for improved accuracy, and featured in Traplet's Focus File series.
(Model by John Davies)
16 Jan 2010
HMS Solebay 3797 viewsOn the water she has a lively and convincing performance, and is a complete delight to run.
(Model by John Davies)
16 Jan 2010
Clan Ross Cargo Liner (detail)867 views(Model by John Davies)25 Oct 2009
MTB07880 viewsOn the water, this model has a performance which evokes the original quite satisfactorily.
(Model by John Davies)
4 Sep 2009
MTB07890 viewsThis is a model of an early-WW2 RN MTB, part of a force which endeavoured to defend Hong Kong against the Japanese invasion. After they were overwhelmed, some of the crews made an amazing overland escape across China. The full story can be found at, for whom this model was built.
(Model by John Davies)
4 Sep 2009
Agnes1151 viewsThis is the same wonderful model of a pilot cutter that is featured in the "Pre-Owned" section. Sometimes a model comes back. The gentleman I sold her to said she was quite splendid, but not the right model for him. So I bought her back in. This time, she is staying. She is a beautiful boat, and I am having so much fun sailing her. But I could build one like her for you.
(Built by Mike Mayhew of Waverley Models, rigging modified by John Davies, featured in "Marine Modelling" March 2011)
13 May 2009
Agnes1089 viewsHere she is in about 5-7 knots of breeze, in which she can happily carry everything, including a big topsail. She moves well, and has one of those lovely hulls that slips through the water without disturbing it much. She handles remarkably like a full-sized gaff cutter, and I can say that as someone whom once lived aboard one and cruised her extensively.
(Built by Mike Mayhew of Waverley Models, rigging modified by John Davies, featured in "Marine Modelling" March 2011)
13 May 2009
Trafalgar class submarine.886 viewsThis big black beast is a Sheerline Models Trafalgar class submarine. The Trafalgar class boats are the Royal Navy's current class of nuclear hunter-killer boats. They are among the most sophisticated, quietest, most effective boats in the world. The model is quite an intricate little machine. Just like the real thing, both rudders and planes work, and an onboard tank will either flood with ballast or blow it out.
(Model by John Davies)
22 Apr 2009
Trafalgar class submarine.815 viewsJust like the real boat, the model Trafalgar class is not really happy on the surface. But pump in ballast and she slips below into her true element.
(Model by John Davies)
22 Apr 2009
Trafalgar diving.812 viewsPump in ballast and down she goes. She will run beautifully under water, fast, level and stable. Unfortunately, she defied all attempts to photograph her doing so! All my attempts produced lovely pictures of areas of open, empty, water. But that's the point of a submarine really. Underwater, they can be very hard to detect.
(Model by John Davies)
22 Apr 2009
Trafalgar Surfacing.937 viewsBlow ballast and up she comes!
(Model by John Davies)
22 Apr 2009
162 files on 14 page(s) 2