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Model Boat Builder Gallery - Last additions

Model Boat Builder Gallery

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Swift (steam launch)979 viewsHere is an interesting example of what can be done. The client supplied us with a wooden hull in a very rough state. He had picked it up in an antique shop, and liked the lines. We completely rebuilt it. We installed a simple interior, and a small steam plant. Just look at the engine! You can almost smell the steam and hot oil.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Fishguard lifeboat (2)1401 viewsAnother fine model, again based on the Model Slipway's 1/16th kit, but this time embellished with today's livery; the go-faster stripes and a set of specially commissioned transfers. This model has a rotating radar aerial, lights, sound, and other built-in goodies.31 Dec 2007
Honeybee881 viewsThe result is a truly lovely little display piece, which also has a most convincing performance on the water. In her element, she really makes a very pretty picture indeed. She incorporates all the attention to detail and quality of finish which is so characteristic of our larger projects, but she is less than two feet long. She makes minimal demands for display space, can easily be transported to the water, and she won't break the bank either. In short, she is a little jewel.
This model was featured in "Marine Modelling", November 2001
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Peggy1035 viewsThis fine model of a North Sea Herring Drifter represents a vanished era. They were built in their thousands, but now only one remains in preservation. They evoke not only a vanished industry, but a major change in our attitudes to the natural world.
31 Dec 2007
Peggy1012 viewsThey were built to pursue "the silver harvest, free to all", the herring which once swarmed in the North sea in huge, seemingly inexhaustible shoals. Now, due to a combination of overfishing and pollution, herring stocks have collapsed to the point where no more can be landed from the North Sea. We are learning, slowly and late, that the natural world is not an inexhaustible storehouse of resources to be plundered at will.
31 Dec 2007
Peggy1009 viewsThis model is over four feet long, and weighs over twenty pounds. She is thus fairly demanding of display space. Every expedition to the water demands careful planning, to get her in and out of the car without damage, and to transport her safely from the car-park to the water. But what a magnificent picture she makes! Models of this kind carry a level of detail, and acheieve a presence on the water, which their smaller sisters simply cannot match. She has a full range of working features, including navigation lights which work in two modes; steaming, or lying to her nets.
31 Dec 2007
Peggy (detail)1048 viewsA professional commission for a model of this nature is usually a once-in-a-lifetime purchase. I have had some extremely satisfied clients for models of this size. It will bring you the most enormous pleasure, and it will continue to do so for many years.
Eagle-eyed readers may recognise one of the photos from "Model Boats" magazine, in which it has featured.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Sir Galahad.905 viewsIt incorporates a couple of mistakes I certainly wouldn't make today, but I am still not ashamed of it. It has led an adventurous life, being sailed in many different parts of the U.K. On one outing before the Mayor and Lady Mayoress of the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, it was run down by a huge model of H.M.S. "Hood". Damage was quite superficial, and was quickly repaired. A properly made scale model is extremely durable, and will go on to give many years pleasure.31 Dec 2007
Sir Galahad.895 viewsReaders of Traplet's "Introdution to Marine Modelling", which I co-authored with Chris Jackson, will recognise the model from that book, in which it is prominently featured.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Honeybee908 viewsThis little model of a Scottish fifie motor fishing boat really is a beauty. She is is one of my favorite projects. Like many of our models, she is based on a well-known commercial kit. This keeps construction time, and thus cost, within limits. However, she is considerably embellished.31 Dec 2007
Honeybee862 viewsThe deck is laid with individual planks, with caulking faithfully represented between each plank. This modification alone effects a huge improvement over the printed plywood deck supplied. Remember, as we usually look down on our models, the appearance of the deck is very important. A good quality ship's boat is added, stowed in the correct place. A few of the more prominent fittings are re-arranged, following old photographs taken in the port of St Monance. The main hatch was subtly modified for a more authentic appearance. A carefully chosen colour scheme was based on paint, stain, and satin varnish.
31 Dec 2007
Small fishing boat.907 viewsNot all working models have to be big and expensive. This little motor fishing vessel shows that quite a small boat can incorporate a delightful range of detail. We have a particular fondness for this type of model. It will sit on a bookshelf and add a touch of colour and interest to your room, but you don't have to rearrange the whole room to make space for it. It is easy to transport to the water, and if the pond is some distance from the carpark, you can carry it easily in one hand. She looks good on the water, and her seaworthy lines assure her of a good performance.
(model by Frank Hasted)
31 Dec 2007
162 files on 14 page(s) 5