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Model Boat Builder Gallery - Last additions

Model Boat Builder Gallery

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Small fishing boat. (detail)914 views31 Dec 2007
Fishguard lifeboat.969 viewsThe present Fishguard lifeboat, "Blue Peter VII", was the first offshore lifeboat to be paid for by the famous television programme. Their previous endowments to the RNLI had been inshore boats.
This model is based on the well-known Model Slipway kit. She was an elaborate and time-consuming model to build, taking over four hundred hours. Since every lifeboat is slightly different, we carried out a research visit to Fishguard to check what minor changes had been made to their boat, in order to ensure the accuracy of the model. The kit is extremely detailed, down to the rivets on the frames on the flying-bridge windscreens, and the keyboard on the computer-operated radar in the wheelhouse. She makes a magnificent model, which has a lively and convincing performance on the water.
The Model Slipway, who manufacture the kit on which this model is based, paid me a very pretty compliment on its appearance, and stated that they are happy to refer any requests they receive for completed versions of their range of kits to me.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Tug Furie.957 viewsThis working model of a steam tugboat is twenty-seven inches long. She is small enough to be easy to store and display, easy to transport to the water, but big enough to carry a convincing level of detail. She has a good presence on the water.
She is a complete pleasure to sail. At the end of a demanding day's work, take a little ship like this to the water. Put her afloat. As she gathers way, spinning her delicate web of illusion, looking every inch a little ship in great waters, you can feel the day's cares wash away. Model boats can be very therapeutic.
She is based on the famous Dutch steam tug "Furie", now preserved. Tugs are an important part of the Dutch maritime heritage. The Dutch are the world's marine salvage specialists, and many of the world's largest and most powerful tugs sail under their flag. "Furie", exemplifying a vessel from an earlier age, is something of a national monument.
This model is now in the famous Childe Beale collection.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Sir Galahad.932 viewsMy father spent the war in minesweeping trawlers. I built this model of the "Sir Galahad" for him in 1985. It was the first model boat I ever built.
31 Dec 2007
Dragon class keelboat.1102 viewsThe International Dragon racing keelboat was designed in Scandinavia in the 1930s. Scandinavian vessels are a byword for grace and beauty of line. The lines of the Dragon are absolutely classic. In my opinion, they cannot be improved on.
31 Dec 2007
Dragon class keelboat. (detail)947 viewsThis model was based on a GRP hull, then lavishly fitted out with fine varnished timber, and rigged using the best model sailing yacht fittings. Control is by a simple two channel radio control outfit. 31 Dec 2007
Dragon class keelboat.974 viewsAs you can see, she sails very prettily. This example was commisioned for the famous Childe Beale collection. She was the third of the type we have built. The other two were a matching pair, researched from the full-sized vessels for their owner, who still sails them enthusiastically in a hard-fought racing series.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Liberty ship965 viewsTraditional merchant ships make lovely models, both as display pieces and on the water, where they have an atmosphere and a presence all their own. This model of the Liberty ship "City of Ely" represents her as she was post-war as a ship of the Ellerman lines. She was built for a gentleman who had sailed the real vessels as a Merchant Navy officer. He was highly delighted with his little ship. One of the delights of building on a fairly capacious hull is that it is possible to incorporate extra features. She has a working anchor winch and navigation lights. There are many possibilities for models of this nature. Contact us for details.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007
Liberty ship910 views31 Dec 2007
Clan Ross cargo liner.1346 viewsA magnificent model, well over four feet long, lovely lines, great areas of individually-laid planked deck, intricate rig, and looks absolutely stunning on the water. How I regret not taking the camera along to her trials. A heavy model to launch, of course, and not especially manoevarable. She does best what the real ships did; cruises happily forever on remarkably little power. But what a magnificent picture she makes afloat. Such lovely ships have gone from the world's oceans. Would you like to commission your own miniature? 31 Dec 2007
HMS Cossack1262 viewsWell known as the command of captain (later Admiral Sir Philip) Vian, who rescued 299 British seamen from the Altmark, and played a decisive role in the sinking of the Bismarck.
Vian did not suffer fools at all, and had absolutely no time for inefficiency. He was reputed to be intolerant, completely tactless, and an absolutely superb fighting sailor; truly one of the very great captains.
31 Dec 2007
HMS Cossack1085 viewsWarship models demand a particular set of skills. With their limited reserves of both buoyancy and stability, they can all too easily want to float upside-down, if the builder does not know what they are doing. Fortunately, we do.31 Dec 2007
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