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HMS Cossack1234 viewsWarships carry a lot of detail. Even if time is saved by basing the model on a kit (this is from the Deans Marine example), good research and knowledge of the prototype is essential. We can claim expertise in the Royal navy, 1939-45, and have a good research library.31 Dec 2007

Fairmile D1288 viewsFerocious looking dogboat, based on a commercially available hull and fittings. Today kits are available. We would be happy to replicate her. She makes an interesting exercise in high-powered scale power plants, and on the water she doesn't half go!31 Dec 2007

HMY Britannia951 views31 Dec 2007

Clyde Puffer1429 viewsThe Clyde Puffers have been immortalised; some might say sentimentalised, in the Para Handy Tales. In reality, the pufferman's life was a hard one, sailing all the year round, in all weathers, around the west coast of Scotland.
31 Dec 2007

Clyde Puffer1355 viewsI know from personal experience just what sort of weather the Minch can kick up, and just how rapidly a perfectly sunny day can turn into a mass of low, grey, wind-driven clouds and flying spray. Add to this the delights of working cargo on an open beach, with no harbour faciltites, digging down through a hold full of coal and using the ship's own derrick to load it into carts which had driven out to the ship at low tide, working hard to shift as much cargo as possible before the tide came up again, and you will see that the life was not an easy one.
31 Dec 2007

Clyde Puffer (detail)1371 viewsYou can commemorate this world of honest toil with a model such as this one. Clyde Puffers make excellent models. The hull is capacious and stable. It will take a really substantial battery for long running times at a scale speed. These small ships can be modelled at a reasonably large scale, without becoming too big to display easily, or to transport to the water. Detail can thus be full, and individual detail parts can be made big enough to be resonably sturdy. Light weathering brings out the character of the model illustrated here. Erzi glaikit sumph an ra shilpit wee nyaff oan ra foadeck!
The result is a real delight. It is no wonder Puffer models are so justly popular. We will be very happy to quote for your requirements if you want one too.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007

RNLB Charles Brown1378 viewsBig, impressive, 1/12th scale Arun lifeboat; a spectacular and seaworthy model, here seen running trials before the addition of the final details.
The model was featured in "Marine Modelling" magazine.31 Dec 2007

Colin Archer (detail)766 views31 Dec 2007

Colin Archer (detail)829 views31 Dec 2007

ASR 1021054 viewsAir Sea Rescue Launch 102 is preserved in full running order by Power Boat Restorations, at Hythe, on the Solent. She makes a lovely prototype for a scale launch.
The model is not too big, elaborate or expensive, but she carries a satisfying level of detail, and has a lively performance. She is a good model to take to the water on impulse, and blast around until the batteries run out.
These boats are of great historic interest. They were the first high-speed planing vessels designed to operate in the open sea. Previously, planing boats had been confined to inshore racing courses, and "fast" offshore rescue craft had been exemplified by the RNLI's "Sir William Hillary", a displacement type boat with a top speed of seventeen knots. In contrast, these ASRs would make forty knots. Every fast motor yacht, and all of the modern breed of lifeboat, owe a design debt to these launches.
This model was featured in "Marine Modelling" magazine, April 1999, and is now in the famous Childe Beale collection.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007

HMY Britannia987 viewsThis model of the Royal Yacht "Britannia" faithfully captures her lovely lines. A true scale model, she has an excellent performance on the water. Radio control equipment gives control of the rudder, independent control of the twin screws, and switches on a small tape player loaded with a compilation of music from the band of the Royal Marines. At just over four feet long, she is big enough to have a wonderfully convincing presence on the water. She was featured in "Marine Modelling" magazine.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007

HMY Britannia916 views31 Dec 2007
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