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America733 viewsThis historic race began all the trouble about the Americas Cup, which still rumbles on today. Indeed, it has become yachting's premier trophy. The Cup has never come back to Britain, although the Australians and New Zealanders have both won it from the Americans.
31 Dec 2007

America704 viewsThe first race also initiated a tradition which has bedeviled Cup races to this day. There has seldom been an Americas Cup series which was not spoiled by controversy and accusations of deliberate bending of the rules. To this day, the lawyers can be as important as the sailors. There is still controversy about "America"s victory in 1851. Did she sail the proper course? Was she unduly favoured by rule changes designed to allow her to compete? What might have happened if the foremost British yacht had not broken her bowsprit?
31 Dec 2007

America (detail)742 viewsIt is, however, indisputable that she was a most beautiful yacht, low, sleek and graceful. We built this magnificent replica for a client who was in love with the original vessel. She is finished and fitted out in fine timber on the basis of a specially commissioned short-run GRP hull. (We can do this for you too if you like; pick your prototype and we can get it mastered and moulded to a high standard at a most competitive rate). She makes a beautiful display piece, well detailed and elegant. On a gentle sort of day, she also has a most pleasing performance on the water. Overall, she is one of the loveliest things we have built.
(model by John Davies) 31 Dec 2007

Anna797 viewsThis steam launch model was modified from the basic kit, according to our client's instructions, to provide improved access, fuel pre-heat, and improved engine contol. She exemplifies the creative teamwork that our bespoke service offers, between the client's specifications and our craftsman's service.
This particular client owns a number of steam launch models, ranging from the small and pretty, as here, to the large and magnificent. He says that while he greatly enjoys the sight of a big and spectacular model on the pond, he probably gets the most fun from this little boat, because she is so easy to carry, and such a simple pleasure to sail.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007

Colin Archer831 viewsThe big double-ended ketches designed by Colin Archer were designed for rescue work among the Scandinavian fishing fleets in the North Sea. They justly became famous for their superb sea-keeping qualities. This model offers you the possibility of owning a detailed scale replica of a classic sailing vessel, which also has a realistic performance on the water.
(model by John Davies)
31 Dec 2007

America735 viewsThe schooner "America" was built by a syndicate of new England yachtsmen as a business proposition, to collect some of the prize money available in yacht racing, and to win wagers. She succeeded handsomely. In 1851, she trounced the finest yachts sailing in British waters, in a race around the Isle of Wight. Queen Victoria was most ungracious about it. When told the American yacht had won, she grumped "very well, who is second?". She was not amused to be told "madam, there is no second".
31 Dec 2007

Waveney class lifeboat (miniature)1068 views31 Dec 2007

Waveney class lifeboat (miniature)924 viewsPerhaps not quite a true scale model, but a very apealingh miniature, which makes a pleasant bookshelf model, not too demanding of display space.31 Dec 2007

HMS Victory720 viewsThe result is a quite stunning replica, which will grace your home, and is very likely to appreciate in value as the years go by.
(model by Frank Hasted)
31 Dec 2007

HMS Victory706 viewsI hope you will agree that this example is exquisite, and shows our work at its very best. Everything, down to the last knot in the ratlines, is painstakingly made by hand.
31 Dec 2007

HMS Victory798 viewsNelson's famous flagship needs no introduction. With her complex hull form, three decks of gun ports, intricate rig and ornate decoration, she is one of the most complex and demanding wooden boat model projects possible.31 Dec 2007

Torrens715 viewsThe lovely "Torrens" was the crack ship on the Australian passenger run. She was the favorite ship of the author Joseph Conrad.
This fine model, a family heirloom, was badly damaged in a house fire. We re-planked three large holes in the hull, cleaned off all traces of charring, and refurbished all the deck fittings.
Due to pressure of time in our own workshop, we contracted out the re-rigging to a local expert. He re-rigged the mizzen mast, which had survived the fire. The fore and main masts were charred stumps, so he replaced them in their entirety. He did a lovely job.
Throughout the entire restoration, it is hard to tell where the old ends and the new begins. This is one of the most sensitive aspects of restoration, and one in which we take great pride. It is a difficult balance, taking great judgement. One has to restore a model to its former glory, without incorpotating so much new material that it loses that lovely patina of age. We feel we succeeded here, and are proud to offer this illustration for your consideration.
(model by unknown builder, circa 1947, hull restoration by John Davies, re-rigged by John Hatchett)
31 Dec 2007
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